

What happens when you miss a car payment?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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13y ago

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your car can get taken away if u do not pay it in time!!

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Q: What happens when you miss a car payment?
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How many payment's can you defer a car payment?

Depends on the contract you signed when you borrowed the money. With most lenders they can reposes their car if you miss one payment.

What happens if I don't pay for my car?

Usually you can miss one payment and they will just tack it on to the next months bill with penalty and late charges. If you continue to miss payments they will take your vehicle away from you and it ruins your credit.

Do they have to send you a letter to let you know your car payment is due?

NO, you know when your payment is due. It is listed on the contract you signed. Miss a payment and they can repossess your car then next day.

I bought a car they put a lien against itif you miss payment can they come take the car?

Possibly. It depends on what is written in the loan agreement you signed. Read it. They are not likely to repossess the car if you miss one payment. Miss two and they will be looking for it. How about calling the lender and talking about this face to face? Do not allow your car to be repossesed. You will regret this for at least 7 years.

If you are two months behind on a payment can your car be repossed?

First off it is not your car. The car belongs to the lender until you pay for it. Legally if you miss 1 payment you are delinquent and they can start repossession proceedings on their vehicle.

In Kentucky how many car payments behind do you have to be before your car is repossessed?

Your car can be repossessed if you miss one payment. Not likely they would do that but it is possible.

Can used car dealers install a unit to disable your vehicle if you miss a payment?

Yes and some do.

How do you know when you have a default on a car loan?

The first time you miss a payment... you made a committment... does your word mean anything?

If you paid the fees and got your car back from repo but what if you miss another payment with the bank?

It gets repossessed again.

Can a car be repossessed if you are two payments behind?

Legally if you miss 1 payment you are delinquent and they can start repossession proceedings on their vehicle.

What happens if you swerve to miss a person in the road then you wreak your car?

Let's hope you live through it!