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Q: What happens if you swerve to miss a person in the road then you wreak your car?
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Related questions

How do you you use swerve in a sentence?

If you are driving a car and see that you are about to hit a pedestrian, you should swerve to miss him. To swerve is to steer around or away from something.

How do you spell swirve?

The word is spelled swerve. The car had to swerve to miss the oncoming truck.

A sentence with swerve in it?

The word 'swerve' is a slang term with different meanings. One of the meanings is 'good looking'. It is used to simply mean that something is attractive. Another meaning of the word 'swerve' is partying mostly while drinking alcohol.

If you swerve to miss a deer?

You might go off the road and kill yourself or somebody in the car. Or you might crash into an oncoming vehicle and kill them of yourself.

What happens when you win the miss US pageant?

you are entered into a competition of miss America then if you win that then miss world

How can a completely black dog strolling down Main street during a backout be seen by a Buick skylark with two broken headlights speeding towards the dog swerve in time and miss hitting the dog?

it was daylight

What happens to miss maudi?

It got burned

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It's Miss Liberty but not a real person

How do people get along in relationships?

normally in a relationship, you always miss the other person... nomatter how far away from each other you are... you always think about them, first thing in the morning - and last thing at night... but you know who that person is when it happens... :)

What happens when your boyfriend is saying i miss you to another girl?

What happens is, you confront him, & if he cheating then you'll know what to do.

Why do you miss your ex?

usually, because you miss the person's companionship, and you still love them

In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird what happens to Miss Maduie at summer twilight?

Miss Maudie's house turns into flames.