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The resistance is greater the faster the vehicle is going.

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Q: What happens to the air resistance on a car as the car goes faster?
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As a person moves faster what happens to the air resistance?

As a person moves faster, the air resistance they experience increases. This is because the drag force on the person, caused by the air molecules colliding with their body, also increases with speed. This resistance can ultimately limit how fast a person can travel in a particular environment.

When an object is falling its motion is most affected by air resistancce when?

When an object is falling, its motion is most affected by air resistance when it has a large surface area and is moving at high speeds. This is because air resistance is directly proportional to the surface area of the object and the square of its velocity. Therefore, larger objects or those moving faster experience greater air resistance, which can significantly affect their motion.

Is it true that the faster you go the stronger is the air resistance?

Yes, as you go faster, air resistance (also known as drag) increases. This is because the faster you move, the more air molecules you encounter, causing more resistance. At high speeds, air resistance can become a significant force that can impact the movement of objects.

What does air resistance do as you go faster?

It increases

Explain why air resistance is larger when the car is traveling faster?

Bikes cars and other moving objects experience air resistance as they move.Air resistance is caused by the frictional forces of the air against the vehicle. The faster the vehicle moves the bigger the air resistance becomes.

What is air resistance on a car?

Air resistance is also called drag on a vehicle. When the vehicle moves forward it must push the air molecules out of the way, this causes resistance or friction. The faster the vehicle is going, the faster it is pushing the air molecules out of the way causing greater resistance.

When a sheep first jumps out of a plane what happens to its speed?

The speed of the sheep will increase due to gravity pulling it towards the ground. As it falls, air resistance will also act on the sheep, ultimately causing it to reach a terminal velocity where the forces of gravity and air resistance balance out, resulting in a constant speed.

How does the air affect the speed of a car?

Air resistance, or drag, acts against the motion of the car, increasing as the car goes faster. The faster the car goes, the greater the air resistance it encounters, which can slow the car down. To minimize this effect, cars are designed with aerodynamic shapes to help reduce drag and improve speed and fuel efficiency.

Is there a stronger air resistance if you go faster?

Yes, there is a stronger air resistance as you go faster. This is because at higher speeds, the air particles collide with the moving object more frequently, creating a greater resistance force opposing the object's motion.

Acts against the direction of motion and gets larger as an object moves faster?

Air resistance

What is the effect of increasing speed on air resistance?

it gets faster.

Why do you notice air resistance more as you travel faster?

As you travel faster, the air resistance or drag force acting against you increases because the faster you move, the more air molecules you have to push out of the way. This resistance creates a feeling of wind or force pushing against you, making it more noticeable at higher speeds.