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hahha youre screwed...

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Q: What happens if you were rear ended but without insurance?
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If you rear ended someone without insurance who pays?

you do or your insurance does.

What happens when you are rear ended and other guy has no insurance?

Your policy may have coverages that will cover your losses, call your claims department to verify.

Who's insurance pays when a car is rear ended?

Whoever did the rear ending usually

What happens if you rear-end someone with no insurance?

You're an a-hole. GET SOME INSURANCE!

Your car was rear ended but you have no license are they still liable for your car damage?

If you are driving a car on British roads without a license then you are also without insurance, you have no right to claim for any damage to your vehicle.

Who is responsible when you are rear ended and frame is bent?

any time you are rear ended, it is the other driver's fault, from an insurance standpoint. if you have comp and collision, your insurance company will get you a replacement vehicle. If you only have liabiliy, i am sorry to say, you get nothing.

What happens if you get rear ended and your battery is in the back of your car?

you have to fint a way to get it out

What if your rights when your rear ended by a driver with the same insurance company as you?

that does not matter, the person who rearended will be at fault

Who is at fault the driver who has no insurance no license and is an illegal immigrant or the one who rear-ended him?

In New Jersey it is the driver who rear ended him who is at fault. However, that does not mean that the illegal unlicensed driver will not face deportation.

Who to file claim with when you are rear ended?

I was rear ended a while ago by a person who was renting a vehicle. She had insurance on the rental and her own vehicle through Safe Auto. Hopefully you exchanged info. with the person that rear ended you! In my case, we exchanged info. Her insurance called me but had told me that since she had rental insurance that the rental place would cover the damages to my vehicle. That was a lie on Safe Auto's behalf. Safe Auto was liable for the damages to my vehicle and after getting on them about my claim through them, I was finally reimbursed. Point being that the claim should be filed through their (the person that rear ended you) insurance company. If you didn't get any of the other person's info. then I would suggest talking with your own insurance company.

What happens if you are rear ended by someone without car insurance?

If you have collision coverage, file a claim with your insurance company. They will pay for your damages, minus your deductible, and then pursue the other vehicle's owner to get your money back (Also check your policy to see if you have Uninsured Motorist Property Damage). If you don't have either coverage, you would have to pursue the other vehicle's owner legally.

What can you do if you were rear-ended and the police were not called and the person who rear ended you did not want it reported to his insurance?

You should still attempt to get insurance information from the other driver. Unless that person has rendered payment for your damages, your expenses will be your own. The other option is to sue the person if they will not pay voluntarily.