If you do it on purpose, you can be charged with destruction of property and a number of other crimes. Accidentally do it and you may be fined.
they get thrown into a landfill and set on fire. then to cover it up, they bury it but the fire is still alive within!
When you steal a vehicle and set it on fire you will probably be caught. When you are caught, you will be charged with grand theft auto and arson. AND GO TO JAIL for a long time i hope
It will burn
Lighter+Gasoline=Car Fire
The pomegranate burns.
dont do that you could set it on fire
The school will be close yeah
Setting a car on fire in order to collect insurance is considered fraud and a criminal action. It is also considered arson in most jurisdiction.
it burns and it may spark and set off a fire
Helium hasn't an effect.
The contents inside a can of hairspray can explode if it is set on fire or if it's really hot. Then the car sets on fire and it explodes.