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As the shunter, it is assumed, in normal circumstances, that you are At Fault. Either offer to pay for the repair yourself, or exchange insurance details and let your companies sort it out. Sometimes it's cheaper in the long-run to pay for the damage repair and protect your insurance record. If, however, the shuntee wishes to go the insurance route, you have no choice but to agree

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Q: What happens if you hit someone from the back your car has no damage but the other car has slight damage and the police were not called?
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The charge for criminal damage varies based on the extent of the damage. If you run over a stop sign while evading police, you will have to pay less than someone who caused a massive search by the police under false pretenses.

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If you bump a truck and both pull over and there is no damage at all and the truck that was bumped had no damage and the car that bumped it had no damage should the cops still be called?

If any injuries are involved, the police should be called. Also, either driver has the right to call the police so an accident report can be written. If there is no damage, one is probably better not calling the police, as the accident may be reported to your insurance company.

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If both drivers have no insurance and do not file a police report, each driver is responsible for repairing the damage to his/her own vehicle.

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A police recruit is someone who is seeking employment with a police agency or who has been hired by an agency. Officers who are in the police academy or out on their first months of work are called recruits. Once they have completed all their training and qualifications, they are called police officers.

What will happen if you rearend someone with no insurance no damage done it was at 20mph no calling the police or their insurance they decide to see how they feel in a few days can they file claim?

Yes, they can. The fact that they have no insurance and the Police were not called has no bearing. If they do decide to claim for any injuries, your insurance company will scrutinize it, but not necessarily deny it.

What happens if you had an accident and the car is not under your name?

If you have an accident and the car doesn't belong to you then the police will make you pay for the damage. It also depends on if it was your fault or not.

What happens if you have named non owners insurance and you drive a car that is not insured and someone hits you?

you can get fined if the police finds out