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Whether you are insured or not, the most important thing in your accident is who is determined to be At Fault. If you are at fault you (or your insurance company) will be required to pay for any property damages or medical expenses incurred in an accident. The same would be true for the other person if they were found to be at fault.

That is the "civil law" side of things. If you have no insurance and you are driving, you are breaking some pretty serious criminal laws, so legally you could be in a lot of trouble.

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Q: What happens if you have no insurance and you hit someone with insurance?
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What happens if you hit someone who has no insurance but you caused the crash?

Your insurances pays it because you caused the crash.

What happens your car is totaled?

If you have the proper insurance or you were hit by someone you will surrender the car and the title to the insurance company and they will pay you the actual cash value of the car before it was hit.

What do you do when someone hit you and you have no insurance?

get insurance

What happens when you hit someone in a car accident then find out you don't have enough insurance to cover all their damages?

Once your insurance has paid, you are responsible for the rest.

What happens if you are hit from behind in a no fault state?

Typically the person who hit you pays. If they don't have insurance, your no fault insurance will pay for it.

What happens when you get hit by someone without insurance?

I think,They get a fine or legal action. And you would still be o.k as they shouldn't of been driving in the first place

What happens if someone hit your parked car and they have no insurance but you do?

ill let you know just had this happen to me last night....and they ran. cops got them though.

What happens if you rear-end someone with no insurance?

You're an a-hole. GET SOME INSURANCE!

What happens if you have no insurance and you were hit by someone without car insurance?

You each walk away with nothing - your only recourse is to take the person who hit you to court and sue for damages. However, chances are if that person has no insurance, they have no job, and thus no income which to pay you the damages should the court award in your favor.

What happens when a uninsured driver hit someone?

What happens when an insured driver hits someone depends on the state you live in. In a no-fault state you present your claim to your insurance company for payment. In a tort state, you would sue the driver for compensation. If you have uninsured driver coverage, then your insurance company should cover you and/or your vehicle, up to a certain amount. You should check with your insurance company to be sure.

Do collision insurance cover a hit and run?

Yes, you should be covered if someone hits you or you hit them regardless of someone leaving the scene.