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You'll be ticketed for driving with an invalid registration and driving without insurance, and you still owe that money to the bank.

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Q: What happens if you have a wreck without auto insurance and still money to the bank?
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What happens if you have auto insurance but no drivers licnese and you get into an accident that is not your fault will the person at fault insurance still take care of the damages to your car?

You get a ticket and your insurance goes up. You can not drive without a license and if you cost the insurance company money they raise your premiums especially if you get a ticket

What happens if the car was totaled in an accident and money was still owed?

That's about it. The car is totaled. The money is still owed. If there was a loan, you'd better have insurance and if you are lucky, the insurance will cover MOST of what you still owe.AnswerYour insurance co. is obligated by law to satisfy any payment up to the policy's limits. If there are money owed after that, you can sue the other driver for the money owed or be sued, whatever applies.

What happens if you have no insurance and the other driver is at fault in South Carolina and the driver at fault does have insurance?

You will be cited for driving without insurance and the other driver being at fault, him and his insurance are still liable for damages.

How can you get money after a car wreck without insurance?

Who is it that doesn't have insurance (your, or the 'other' person)? If you don't have insurance and are at fault there is no way you can receive any money for the car. If ther other person involved is missing insurance then you will still be covered if you pay for collision or uninsured motorist.

What happens if the car was totaled in an accident and money was still owed and accident is your fault?

Typically, your deal with the bank that you bought your car through is separate from your car insurance. However, many insurance companies offer "gap" insurance to cover this issue, so that the car is paid off if it is totaled. Talk to your agent, and they can tell you exactly what coverage you have and how much they'll pay. The insurance company (yours) will look the car and if it is totaled they will give you the money for its current value, minus your deductible. If its repairable, they will give you the money to repair it, minus your deductible. Any money left on the car payments after the amount your insurance pays is your responsibility, unless your insurance specifically covers this. If you didn't have insurance, then you lose it all, no money to fix or replace the car, and you still have to pay for the car. Never drive a car without insurance, period.

What happens when you get hit by someone without insurance?

I think,They get a fine or legal action. And you would still be o.k as they shouldn't of been driving in the first place

Can you still have car insurance without credit?


What happens if you have no insurance and you were hit by someone with car insurance?

In ontario, The person that hits you's insurance has Accident benifits, and they will pay for your medical bills if they were at fault. But if you were drviing without insurance.. consider yourself screwed. Pretty much the same in most states in the U.S. If they were at fault their insurance may pay for your damages but you can still be fined for driving without coverage, license suspended or revoked etc.

What happens when you have insurance at the time of an accident and then it gets cancelled does the insurance still cover the accident?

Yes it does. The cancellation of an insurance policy is not retroactive.

What if i wreck my vehicle and it's not paid for?

Drivers are required to have insurance. If you wreck your vehicle, the insurance company will pay for it. If you are driving without insurance in a vehicle that is not paid for, you still are obligated to repay the money you borrowed to buy the car. It is not the bank's fault that you wrecked the vehicle.

What Is the best money or time?

without time money is useless. but without money, you can at least still trade!

What happens when your loan protection insurance runs out and you are still unemployed?

find a job