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Most states require insurance. You should think of auto insurance as part of the cost of owning a car... if you can't afford the insurance, you can't afford the car and shouldn't have one.

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Q: What happens if you cannot afford auto insurance?
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Related questions

Where can I find out how government auto insurance works for people who cannot afford an auto policy?

The government has their own site that offers a plethora of information on government auto insurance. They will help you obtain the insurance for a very low fee. Sometimes they offer it for free for one year.

Who covers an accident when it happens in your driveway homeowners or auto insurance?

Auto insurance.

Can lease auto be repossessed when you do not have insuarance?

The terms of most auto leases require that you maintain insurance. Failing to do so is typically cause for termination of the lease. If you can't afford insurance, you can't afford to drive.

Who's auto insurance is responsible for medical if the other driver does not have insurance?

This is a no brainer ... if the other driver has no insurance, how possibly could their non-existent insurance be responsible for medical? The only recourse here is to take the other driver to court and sue for damages. Chances are you will still get nothing - most likely if someone cannot afford auto insurance, they certainly could not afford any out of pocket medical expenses. This is why most motorists have to carry under-insured and un-insured auto insurance on their policies ... for your own protection.

Which type of auto insurance coverage is more important?

Liability. Without it and charged with fault of an accident you face enormous fines and will have to pay medical bills for everyone injured in the crash. Don't cheap out on auto insurance ... ever. The risks are not worth ii. If you can afford the fancy mobile phone with all the perks then you can afford proper auto insurance.

What kind of auto insurance must you have?

any and all insurance that you can afford you should probably buy. you can never tell what might happen. any and all insurance that you can afford you should probably buy. you can never tell what might happen.

Can you buy auto owners insurance after being charged with a DUI?

You can buy auto insurance after a DUI, however it will be more expensisve. If your license is revoked, you cannot get insurance.

If you lose your drivers license what happens to your auto insurance?

you die

When getting auto insurance for a Chrysler what should one consider?

When getting auto insurance for any car the first things people should take into consideration is what kind of insurance and coverage they want as well as how much they can afford to pay.

How do you own a car without auto insurance?

You can own a car, but without auto insurance you cannot ply on the road and the Police will confiscate your licence.

What is cost for driving insurance with no car?

You cannot legally be sold auto insurance if you have no car to insure.

Save Money With State Auto?

If a person is looking for the most affordable auto insurance on the market, then state auto insurance is truly a person's best bet. State auto insurance truly works to make sure that customers can afford its rates. It is a great company that provides great benefits for any person with insurance policies from this company. This makes great insurance for teens or young adults that may be driving. This is the sort of insurance that a single person can afford on a single person's income. When searching for auto insurance, it truly is important a person compare a variety of options in order to find the best and most affordable one. When he or she searches for auto insurance, State auto insurance will likely always be a top choice. This sort of auto insurance is just incredibly practical and costs a lost less than its competitors. In particular, this insurance company offers low rates to teens for auto insurance, which is quite rare given the truly great risk that teens are as drivers on the road for insurance companies.