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Q: What happens if i file a homeowners insurance claim?
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Do you claim slashed car tires on homeowners or auto insurance?

Slashed tires coverageYou will need to file the claim under your Auto Insurance policy. Your homeowners insurance does not pay for car damage. That's what auto insurance is for.

Branch fell on windshield auto or home insurance?

File the claim on your auto insurance. Homeowners insurance does not cover automobiles.

If your neighbor has cut down one of your trees can you claim this as loss to your homeowners insurance?

You would need to file a police report and file a vandalism claim.

Does a deductible have to be paid each time you file a claim under homeowners insurance?

The deductible applies to every individual claim.

If a tree falls on your moon roof what insurance coverage do you use?

File a claim on your comprehensive auto insurance if you have it. Your homeowners insurance will not cover damage to your vehicle.

How long does a person have to file a claim agenist your homeowners insurance?

An insured has a duty to report a claim "promptly". Typically, this means as soon as practicable.

Tree falls on car on a rental property does homeowners insurance cover it?

No Homeowners insurance does not provide coverage for automobiles. You would have to look to your auto Insurance to file a comprehensive claim. No one is liable for an act of nature.

Is there a way to obtain someone's homeowners insurance after a fall if they are not willing to provide it?

You cannot go behind someone's back and file a claim on their insurance. If it is a major injury you can file suit and they will have to provide it to their insurance company so that the insurance company will defend them or settle the claim. This is to force the issue.

If someone breaks their foot on my property can I file a homeowners insurance claim for their medical bills?

Yes you May all you have to do is get intouch with your insurance agent or Company.

Why do you need a homeowners insurance adjuster to file a claim?

You don't. The homeowner files the claim. The adjuster then reviews the claim to determine if it is in fact a covered loss under the terms of your policy.

Can insurance company drop you if file act of god claim?

No, Your homeowners insurance will cover losses due to an "Act of Nature" if you have an extended coverage policy. For a claim caused by an "Act of God" you'll have to rely on prayer.