File the claim on your auto insurance. Homeowners insurance does not cover automobiles.
Your auto insurance will cover the damage to your vehicle if you have comprehensive coverage. The Comprehensive portion of your auto insurance covers damage resulting from an act of nature.
No, That's what Auto Insurance is for. Unless maybe your house fell on your car.
Auto insurance
NO, Nobody is liable for an act of nature. You would not be liable for damage to vehicle resulting from a falling tree limb. Your neighbors comprehensive auto insurance will cover the damages. You would only be liable if someone had warned you that the branch was dangerous and you took no heed.
You will have to file a claim on your own comprehensive auto Insurance. The comprehensive portion of your auto insurance policy would provide coverage.
You'll have to file a claim on your own Auto Insurance. Homeowners Insurance does not provide coverage for vehicles owned or non-owned and nobody is liable for an act of nature.
No, That's what Auto Insurance s for. Now if your home fell on the car it might cover it.
if the rock fell off of the truck, truck pays. if the rock was slung up from the roadway, you pay.
House Falls on CarNo. That's what Auto insurance is for. It's the same as if a tree falls on your car. You would need to look to the comprehensive portion of your auto insurance policy for repair of your automobile.
The branch fell on my head.
If you have comprehensive coverage in effect on the date of loss, it should be covered.(I'm an auto rep for an insurance company.)
Nobody is liable for an act of nature. The comprehensive portion of your own auto insurance would cover the damages to your own car.