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File a claim with the other party's carrier and hope that they accept liability for the incident, otherwise you may learn a lesson the hard way.

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Q: What happens if a person with a suspended license is driving another persons car who is licensed but doesn't have insurance and there was an accident that was the fault of the other driver?
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What happens when a person with a suspended license is involved in an accident in another person's car and is not at fault?

Actually, they are at fault, or so it's presumed - if their license is suspended, they shouldn't have been driving, hence, they should not have been there to have been involved in an accident. On top of that, they've voided their insurance policy by driving on a suspended license, so the expenses will likely end up coming out of pocket.

I have no idea if I need this but,what is sr22 insurance?

That is an insurance form that is commonly used by the state BMV to show that you are willing to be financially responsible for any damages to another driver or his vehicle. This is normally needed only if you have had your license suspended due to lack of insurance after having had an accident.

Can life insurance agents split a sales commission?

Yes, they may split a sales commission with another who is also licensed for the line of insurance of the policy which was sold. Both must be licensed in insurance.

If your drivers license is suspended in Florida for lapsed insurance can you get a licence in another state?


What are some disadvantages if you get in a car accident?

Your insurance may go up, you can get a ticket, you have to pay for repairs, you can be hurt, you can hurt or kill another person, you have points added to your driving record, you can loose a license or have it suspended if you are at fault.

Is a non licensed driver insured?

Yes and No. No insurance company will ever insure an un-licensed driver. However, if a non-licensed driver is in an accident, where not at fault, with another driver who is insured, that insurance may still cover the injuries of the non-licensed driver. This is very tricky, though. Some states have a type of fault where if you were partially at fault for the accident as well, you may have your damages reduced by the % you are at fault; other states will determine that if you are 50% at fault, you get nothing. So, if a state were to determine that you being un-licensed to drive was worth 50% of the fault (that is, you should never have been there for the accident to occur at all), you might not get any coverage whatsoever. So, it depends on whether or not (and to what extent) you were at fault, and what your particular state's policies are for liability.

Will your boyfriends car insurance cover the accident if your license was suspended at the time?

Assuming you were the one driving his car, yes his insurance will cover his car. The insurance company may drop his coverage for 'irresponsible behaviour' by allowing another person to drive it AND that person had a suspended license. However, your boyfriend could take you to court for the damages rather than file a claim with his insurance company. Technically, you are responsible for his car and you would lose in court.

What is the responsibility of the insurance company of the at fault driver in a no fault state?

Immediately after an accident, you should call your insurance company and they will tell you their responsibility in that particular state. Your agent should have given you that information when you purchased your policy. Each state has slight differences. An insurance agent in this state is not licensed to comment on the insurance policies of another state.

If I was in a accident with someone who had insurancee in their fathers name and that insurance doesn't cover all my bill and his son got insurance through another company will that insurance kick in.?

NO. the accident happened while he had his fathers car insurance. If he switches insurance he still uses the insurance he had when he got into his accident. However, your health insurance with pick up the difference.

If you have an accident while driving another person's car will your insurance or the owner's pay the claim?

Auto Insurance follows the car not the driver. My son's girlfriend was driving his car when they where in an accident and his insurance was responsible.

What happens when a person with a suspended license is involved in an accident in another person's car and is at fault?

You will most likely be charged with driving with a suspended licence. The owner of the car u were driving may get in trouble if he knew you did not have a licence and let you drive anyway, however if he didnt know you did not have one then nothing will happen to him. His insurance should (if he has insurance) cover the other guys car and his as well if he had full coverage.

How do you get an accident claim against own car when the car is fully insured?

Report the accident to your insurance company. If this was a single car accident - meaning yours- your insurance will have to pay for the repairs minus your deductible. If another party caused the accident you need to turn their insurance information over to your company and they will take it from there.