Tournez a gauche means turn left in the imperative or 2nd person (formal/plural) form.
e.g. when giving directions
to turn is "tourner" in French. "tournez à gauche, tournez à droite"
The French phrase for "turn right" is "tournez à droite."
"You go straight ahead and turn left at the stop sign!" is an English equivalent of the French phrase Vous allez tout droit et vous tournez à gauche au stop! Context makes clear whether vous translates as one "you" or two or more "you all" in English. The pronunciation will be "voo-za-ley too dwa ey voo toor-ney a go-sho stop" in Alsatian French.
You turn.
turn (yourself) around
Take the first street on your left.
Gauche is the French word for "left", as in "left-handed". In English, it has the meaning of vulgar, tasteless, unsophisticated, uncultured. It sounds like the simple word 'go', with the 'sh' sound at the end.
Page gauche literally means 'left page,'
Gauche is translated 'left' in English.
If that is the phonetic spelling it probably is tournez which means turn.
literal English translation is: left of the river...or in slang it means "gaudy" "showy" or "trendy". The left bank is where all the American tourists hang out in Paris. BORING!
It depends on whether this is an English sentence or a French sentence.In English, "gauche" means "lacking social grace" or "Politically Incorrect". So an example sentence might be, "After James made a gauche remark, his friends tried to tell him politely not to discuss that subject again."In French, "gauche" means "left" (as opposed to right). So, "Tu dois turner à la gauche." means "You must turn to the left."