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Page gauche literally means 'left page,'

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Related questions

How do you say left in french?

Left can be translated as "gauche", and right as "droite".

What does tournez a gauche mean in English?

Tournez a gauche means turn left in the imperative or 2nd person (formal/plural) form. e.g. when giving directions

What is the etymology of this word gauche?

The word "gauche" comes from French, where it originally meant "left." Over time, it evolved to also mean "awkward" or "tactless."

What dose Gauche mean?

lacking social grace, sensitivity, or acuteness; awkward; crude; tactlessSource: "Gauche Definition | Definition of Gauche at" | Find the Meanings and Definitions of Words at Web. 14 Oct. 2009. .

What is the duration of Gauche the Cellist?

The duration of Gauche the Cellist is 1.05 hours.

What does gauche mean?

Gauche is the French word for "left", as in "left-handed". In English, it has the meaning of vulgar, tasteless, unsophisticated, uncultured. It sounds like the simple word 'go', with the 'sh' sound at the end.

How do I say on your left in French?

sur ta gauche, sur votre gauche

When was Gauche the Cellist created?

Gauche the Cellist was created on 1982-01-23.

What does prenez la premiere rue a gauche mean in English?

Take the first street on your left.

How do you pronounce gauche?

Gauche, as in lacking in social grace is Gosh, with a long 'o'as in go

What does 'goosh' mean in French?

If you mean gauche, that's the word for "left."If you mean gouache, that's the word for "poster paint."If you mean goosh, you're out of luck.

Is Gauche dead?
