T/C Usually stands for traction control. It will illuminate when there is a problem. It is tied into the ABS system for the brakes. It will also come on temporarily when there is a low traction condition encountered or when the system is manually disengaged with a switch
what does the t/c warning light on the dash of a 2015 chevy sonic turbo ltz mean
what does the t and c mean on the pregnancy test
16 T in a c means 16 Tablespoons in a Cup
C- Control T- means test Line under the C - Negative Line under C and T- positive :)
If the light on its time to renew the timing belt (t-belt)
2 x b x t x a x c to the power 2
You need to know the Einsteins equation of relativity. t'=t(1-v2/c2)0.5 Basically this says the time (t') is relative to velocity (v). And C is the speed of light If v=c you get: t'=t(1-1)0.5=tx0 Therefore time stops for you when you reach the speed of light.
choose the right
1 C up a T probably means 1 cat up a tree.
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3 Colours on a Traffic Light