The DRL on your dash board or instrument panel is for Daytime Running Lights .This most commonly found on Volkswagon and European cars, but more cars are being designed with this feature .
dugnaz is employed in the automotive field
DRL stands for Daytime Running Lamps.
DRL usually stands for Daytime Running Lights
Select query is a DRL. DRL stands for Data retrieval language. Example select * from table_name;
Select query is a DRL. DRL stands for Data retrieval language. Example select * from table_name;
Your daytime running lights (DRL) are on.
It is not a warning light. The DRL stands for Daytime Running Lights and will always be on unless you turn on your dashboard lights.
Those are your DRL's (Daytime Running Lights). Some manual transmission cars' DRL's illimunate after releasing the handbrake.
DRL - Daytime Running Lights (controls the lights and decides which one will work which won't, head lights&fog and etc.) ALC - Automatic Light Control (understands if it is daylight or dark and activates the DRL)
I'm not sure I understand your question. DRL stands for daytime running lights. Your daytime running lights are on the front of your car; when you are driving, even if you have the headlights in the off position, the DRLs will be on. It's a safety feature.
On vehicles with Daytime Running Lights, (DRL) yes.
"DRL" stands for "daytime running lights" newer model vehicles, the DRL will turn on automatically when the car is started, thus eliminating the need to turn on the headlights for visibility, although the law states that headlights must still be turned on between ½hour before sunset and ½hour after sunrise.
The simplest way to do it would be to cut the DRL wires to the headlamp assemblies. The more complex way would be to locate and remove the DRL circuit board under the dash.