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DRL usually stands for Daytime Running Lights

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Q: What does DRL mean on a car?
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Related questions

What does it mean when the DRL from the front panel is flashing ina Honda Civic LX 2002 especially when you start the car?

You probably need a new DRL module and/or DRL relay.In some instances the module is fixible.

What Does the DRL light in the Honda Civic 2002 mean?

DRL - Daytime Running Lights

What does drl mean?

Daytime Running Lights

What does it mean when DRL lignt comes on in Dash board of Honda Civic 2007?

Your daytime running lights (DRL) are on.

What does drl in the dashboard mean?

daytime 'running' lamps/lights.

What does DRL mean on a 2004 cheavy aveo?

Daylight running lights

Do the head lights come on when car is running?

On vehicles with Daytime Running Lights, (DRL) yes.

How do you Disable DRL on 2008 Crown Vic?

Under the dash on the drivers side towards the center of the car is a black box. This box is your DRL box, along with your door dinger and various other functions. Find out whitch pin/wire is for the DRL's and just cut it then tape it up.

What does DRL mean on the dash lights on a 2004suzuki forenza?

daytime running lights

What is drl?

DRL are your Daytime Running Lights

What does DRL and ALC mean for a 99 Pontiac Grand Am?

DRL - Daytime Running Lights (controls the lights and decides which one will work which won't, head lights&fog and etc.) ALC - Automatic Light Control (understands if it is daylight or dark and activates the DRL)

What do DRL stand for on the dashboard?

"DRL" stands for "daytime running lights" newer model vehicles, the DRL will turn on automatically when the car is started, thus eliminating the need to turn on the headlights for visibility, although the law states that headlights must still be turned on between ½hour before sunset and ½hour after sunrise.