The term "Liability" means anything you are libal for. The best way to put it is the liability section of an insurance policy covers other people's bodies and stuff, in the event you harm either of those things.
The medical and car repair bills for anyone else involved in an accident you caused
No. Wedding insurance will only cover things such as public liability, host liability etc. It does not cover a runaway bride.
Personal liability insurance provides additional coverage to other insurance policies. Without personal liability insurance, any thing that one's home or car insurance could not cover, one would have to pay out of pocket. Personal liability insurance will cover those fines.
Combined liability insurance cover rates can be compared via major insurance comparison sites, such as GoCompare, MoneySupermarket and CompareTheMarket.
General liability covers Public and Producs Liability, therefore by having General Liability cover, public liability is covered also.
If your asking will your auto liability insurance pay for a traffic citation, No. They don't pay for the illegal acts of the insured. Your auto liability insurance is accident insurance.
no, full coverage does
Property damage liability car insurance will cover the individuals car and property that you hit. It will not cover anything to do with your vehicle if the accident is your fault.
No. Liability insurance will only cover your liability for property damage/injuries to others. In this case, it would cover the damage to the pole you hit. Your liability coverage will never cover damage to anything you own. You would need collision/comprehensive coverage to cover damage to your car.
Liability insurance only covers damage you did to the other vehicles, property, and persons. It does not cover any damage to your vehicle or yourself. Towing your vehicle would only be required if it was damaged, so your liability insurance won't cover it (but the other person's liability might depending on the actual findings of fault).
Liability would only cover the insured for his damage to the property of someone else. Your insurance will have to cover the damage to his truck.
No. Liability covers the others and their property.