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It usually doesn't really make a sound. The alternator charges your battery, so you can find out by using a tool to see how many volts your battery is running on, or... if you have electric locks, the car will die and the locks will start jerking on their own as well as all the other electrical stuff in the car. Your best bet is to buy a brand new alternator (lifetime warranty) over a used one (30 day guarantee)

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Q: What does it sound like when your alternator goes?
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sound like you have a bad alternator. it will kill the battery.

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A worn alternator belt, loose alternator belt or bad alternator belt tensioner.

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No, it has nothing to do with the Alternator. However, it will make a noise similar to a bad bearing sorta like how an alternator will sound when it goes bad. No oil in the supercharger is very bad, and will lead it to fail. Most of the time if it has no oil in it, it means it has a faulty seal and most likely your bearings are bad inside of it.

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There isn't a fuse for the alternator. The alternator is belt driven, and there'll be two lines coming from the alternator - one goes from the alternator positive to battery positive, and the other goes to ground.

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Will your car shut off if the alternator goes out?

No, the alternator is used to charge the battery apperently.

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Shell do not sound like the ocean, it is the air that goes through them because of their hollow shape. NKV

What does your car sounds like when your alternator is bad?

Usually, your car doesn't make ANY sound when your alternator is bad. When the alternator goes out, the battery fails to recharge, and you can't start your car. Another symptom: your headlights go dim at night. This usually happens just before your battery dies. Another one: your turn signals flash more slowly than usual. If it goes out in daylight, it just quits firing cylinders, running rough, intermittently firing, cutting out. Then it dies, and you don't have enough power to start the engine.

Is there an alternator indicator light on Honda Pilot?

There is not an alternator indicator light on a Honda Pilot. If the alternator goes out, the battery will not stay charged.

Why does the alternator make a clicking sound from the front of a 2000 Ford Explorer?

The bearings might be bad in the alternator.