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Q: What does it sound like when your rear end goes out?
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You hear a sound in the rear of your expedition when you take off what could it be?

It depends. If the sound is a sharp "Tink!" that only happens when you step on the gas from a standstill then it could be a universal joint getting loose. The universal joint is a connection between the drive shaft and your rear end. No not your rear end, that would be silly. The rear end of your expedition where it goes into the rear axle. I would get it looked at as soon as possible.

How does a flute make sound?

You blow into the Flute's mouth, The sound comes out the rear end.

What does it sound like when your rear end is no good?

There are many sounds it can make, but it's the smell you need to worry about!

How long can you drive a vehicle when the rear end is making sound?

To the end of your drive.

What does it mean when there is a progressively loud sound coming from the rear of the vehicle?

Depends on the sound - if it changes frequency pitch when you speed up or slow down, then it's likely the main rear-end bearing wearing out. It sound like a steady whine - the key is whether the sound changes when you speed up/slow down, telling you it's a rear end problem. Brake sounds would only be heard during braking, etc. The other likely cause is in the same area, and that's an axle bearing wearing out. Same sound as a differential (rear-end) bearing going bad, but less volume.

What type of gear oil goes in the rear end of a 1994 Ford Ranger rear end when replacing the rear seal?

Any brand of WD40 oil will work.

What is the rear axle in a 89 ford bronco?

the axle is a shaft that goes into your rear end from one side with the wheel bolts on it and the other connecting into you rear end differential gears.

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What are the symptoms of a 1995 ford bronco rear end going out?

Loud, whining, growling sound. Rear end jerks at random if bearings are locking up.

1991 Yamaha big bear makes a clanking sound in the rear when moving It sounds like it's coming from the rear end like a U-joint Any ideas what it might be?

I had the same problem. The bearings in the swing arm were worn out. This caused slack in the rear end and a misalignment in the u-joint on the drive shaft and made a popping noise.

What causes a growling sound in rear end of a 2000 Subaru Forester 40 mph and above?

rear wheel bearings are bad