Rear is to the back of the vehicle. Brake rotor is the rotating part of a disc brake.
This issue could mean that the fuse on the indicator light is blown. This could also mean that the brake fluid is low on the vehicle.
Not sure what you mean by "kick". If you're having brake problems don't put it off. Have the vehicle checked ASAP.
ABS stands for Anti-Lock Brake System.
only a poorly constructed cage can be destroyed by a shark
No. You may call it a cage or a conveyor or a platform, but not a vehicle.
At the front of the brake chamber, there is usually a rubber flap. You pull that back, and you can see the screw you have to twist to cage them. Typically, they will come with the caging bolts, but some fleets remove them.
What is cage? What do you mean?
In the context of cars, "PB" most likely refers to "Park Brake," which is another term for the parking brake or handbrake. This brake is used to prevent the vehicle from moving when parked.
Brake pots are the pistons inside the brake callipers fitted to the vehicle. Slang for brake cylinders.
To stop the vehicle. Is this a serious question?