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Essentially, this means that the (two or some other number) parties or participants in an incident have conflicting accounts of how the incident happened. Inherent in this characterization is the fact that there were no independent witnesses to the incident to support one side or other, or that whatever witnesses that do exist give equal credence, or equally believable accounts of the dynamics. Further, it refers to the fact that fault or liability on one party or the other cannot be demonstrated by physical evidence (such as areas of impact, paint transfer, or other elements of damage to the vehicles involved in a collision).

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Q: What does it mean when insurance company says it is word vs word case deny liability and find fault free?
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What is covered in a commercial liability insurance?

Yourself and the cargo you are carrying should be covered under this insurance. It also protects your company from liability in case of an accident or emergency.

If you only have liability insurance and you cause an accident does your insurance cover fixing the other party's vehicle?

Here in Canada we have NO-Fault where each insurer is responsible for their own insured. In that case, the other party's carrier would repair the vehicle, and then subrogate on your company.

Does liability insurance cover insurers car if other driver is uninsured?

No, liability insurance only covers the other vehicle if you are at fault for an accident. Coverage for your own car if the other driver is uninsured would come from one of two places: -your collision coverage, this would be the case regardless of if you or the other driver is at fault -your uninsured motorist coverage. This would be the case if the other driver is at fault. This is usually a separate part of the policy, and may or may not be included automatically in your policy depending on the state. I would suggest you either check you policy coverage, talk with your insurance agent or talk with your insurance company.

Who is at fault for insurance purposes in a hit and run and I was the victim?

In a case that is like this, the insurance company can pay under uninsured motorist and attempt to collect when the hit and run driver is found. Although it is not your fault the insurance company will keep a record and note if you have a repeat of this happening.

What happens if the driver at fault hits a car and the driver at fault has no insurance will the car that hits you have to pay for your car?

If you have comprehensive insurance, your policy will cover the damages (less a deductable). In this case, your insurance company will sue the at fault driver. You can also sue the at fault driver for damages (if you do not have comprehensive).

How does liability insurance work when neither driver was cited?

In many states you will find that police officers will not issue a citation in minor accidents. The police will show up and assess the situation and record the accident on a report. Your insurance company will ultimately decide who is at fault and they may use the police report in their investigation. Usually if there are 2 vehicles involved than each insurance company will send an adjuster out to interview both parties. The adjusters will then work together to assign fault. If it is clear who was at fault than the insurance companies may not even send out adjusters. In this case they may just interview both parties over the phone and get repair quotes for the vehicles. In either case though, the police report is only a tool used by insurance companies and is not the final word as far as liability insurance goes.

Do you need liability insurance for a cleaning company in NY?

I'm not certain that it's actually legally required. However, even if it's not mandated, if you don't have liability insurance anyone can accuse you of breaking whatever and whether you did it or not, you're going to be the one dealing with it, including shelling out for legal fees and possibly paying for it if you lose the case. If you do have liability insurance, the insurance company will be taking care of a lot of that for you. Bottom line: yes, you need liability insurance.

Why would a company carry PLPD insurance?

ANYBODY needs the mandatory coverage - protects the drivers in the case of at fault

You have no fault but am in a state with fault what happens?

Generally all policies state that when you enter a state with different minimum liability limits or requirements, then your policy will adjust to the minimum standard of the state you enter. This does not include a situation where you move to another state and do not tell your insurance company. IF this is the case you have committed material misrepresentation or possibly insurance fraud and most likely claims will be denied.

Auto insurance liability?

Most of the auto insurance packages come with liability insurance included, since it is usually required by the law. The main purpose of the liability insurance is to provide compensation in case of an accident. In order to make things clearer for you, when you, for example, are involved in a car crash and you have liability insurance in place, the insurance company will pay compensation to the other side. You can also check out my related links for more information and examples.

I have liability insurance my car was totaled what am i to do with the car?

Repair it make a planter out of it sell it for scrap Without collision insurance you are out of luck unless the accident was the other guys fault, in which case his insurance will pay you for the value of your car and collect the remains.

Do you report an accident to your own insurance company if you were not at fault?

your insurance contract will have wording similar to the following, ''you must promptly report ALL accidents'' is a good idea to report, just in case a problem regarding liability, policy status, etc. with the other company should occur, and your company can help with that.....if you delay in reporting then a problem occurs your company COULD (rarely do however) refuse to pay.......or assist..........