When you are using you motorized machine or some other transportable moving machine, you are driving down the road and a animal (deer) runs out in front of you...you cant stop in time. Bye bye deer :p
That's not really a "saying". Poking deep into the metaphorical depths, I'd say it means that it looks like you hit a deer.
no, the deer blood covers you
If you hit a deer while driving, your rates should not increase. If you swerve to hit a deer and hit a tree, your rates should increase. The thought behind this is anyone could say they swerved to miss a deer when an accident happens and their rates would not increase. If you hit the deer, there will obviously be proof coming from your front end.
the deer
yes a hit to the skull can kill a deer
Depending on the speed the deer would die.
They fight with other deer and hit the other deer's antlers to break them.
It means you probably shot the deer in the lungs.
No, it is covered under your comprehensive coverage and will not affect future rates. If the deer was alive when and moving when you hit it, you're fine.
No one knows for sure, but the white tailed deer is common there.
Comprehensive coverage will usually cover you if you hit a deer. Coverage may be optionally covered under comprehensive or collision in some states. If you do not actually hit the deer and have a collision, it would only be covered under collision insurance.
I think you can with the correct hit