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If you hit a deer while driving, your rates should not increase.

If you swerve to hit a deer and hit a tree, your rates should increase.

The thought behind this is anyone could say they swerved to miss a deer when an accident happens and their rates would not increase.

If you hit the deer, there will obviously be proof coming from your front end.

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Ed O'Neill

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2y ago

yes there is my wife hit a deer, and suffered a heart attack after hitting it, and the state gave her a surcharge in 2018

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Q: Is there a insurance surcharge if you hit a deer in Massachusetts?
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What do you do if you hit a deer with your car in Massachusetts?

keep it moving keep it moving

Does uninsured motorist insurance pay if you hit a deer?

Uninsured motorist covers you in the case you are in an accident with another driver that does not have insurance. Comprehensive coverage is what will pay when you hit a deer.

Will the insurance companies add step points to your insurance if someone hits your car and leaves the scene?

No there is no surcharge on a hit and run accident but your deductible still stands. thanks for the question

Will your insurance go up if you hit a deer?

No, it is covered under your comprehensive coverage and will not affect future rates. If the deer was alive when and moving when you hit it, you're fine.

Is your insurance company required to fix your vehicle if you hit a state of Indiana deer?

No. We do not have state deer, here in Indiana. Only wild deer.

Does uninsured motrist insurance cover you if you hit a deer?

no, but the PD should be covered by comprehensive

Will liability insurance cover you if you hit a deer?

Deer Collision No. Liability insurance is triggered when you are at-fault for an accident. It's used to pay for the damage you cause to someone else's property, not your own. A deer hit would fall under comprehensive coverage, and isn't considered an at-fault loss. In some states, collisions with wildlife are covered by the state. Check with your insurance agent.

Do you need to file police report if you hit a deer?

You will need to for the insurance claim for car repairs.

Will allstate liability insurnace cover you if you hit a deer?

Comprehensive coverage will usually cover you if you hit a deer. Coverage may be optionally covered under comprehensive or collision in some states. If you do not actually hit the deer and have a collision, it would only be covered under collision insurance.

Does NY state pay for your damages when you hit a deer?

The state of NY is not going to pay for damages to your car if you hit a deer. You need to make a police report and contact your car insurance agent.

Does your insurance go up if you hit a deer?

Depends if you're insurance has maybe a few accident forgiveness credits. Mine has 2 a year.

Do you have to tell your insurance if you were sleepy when you hit a deer?

No, as long as you were not sleeping behind the wheel. Being sleepy is not a crime.