It saves gas.
However, if you disengage the clutch on a stick shift, then you no longer have the engine controlling the wheels, and braking will be more difficult. If you turn off the engine while coasting down a hill you also remove power to the brakes and steering, and you may well lock the steering wheel accidentally. A very dangerous move!
Gravity if you are coasting.
Observe the speedometer.
Because, if the car is in neutral, you have no ability to accelerate pushing the gas pedal.
coasting is when you are driving a car with the engine on but you are not using the accelerator to propel the car
Letting gravity roll the car along... as on a hill or gradient.... and with the engine off or the gears in neutral.
negative work
A car's steering wheel will vibrate when driving if the car's alignment needs to be adjusted.
One would be to save gas. Another is it is easier on your car third to just be lazy ;)
Is clutch control using the accelerator and simultaneously using the clutch to control the speed of the car and coasting is when your car is still moving but your foot is off the gas peddle completely but you're of the clutch peddle to slow down????
What kind of car?
You would have to try it yourself and see. Please report back your results here.
I was caught coasting down the sidewalk on my bicycle.