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One would be to save gas.

Another is it is easier on your car

third to just be lazy ;)

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Q: What are the 3 reason you would be coasting in a car?
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Who is at fault in a 3 car accident if car 1 is at a complete stop at a stop sign car 2 is cut off by car 3 and car 2 slams into car 1 Car 3 has no damage whatsoever?

Since car 3 was the initial cause of the accident, car 3 is at fault. If car 3 had not cut off car 2, car 2 would not have hit car 1, and if that was the case there would not have been an accident. As I said, car 3 is at fault. Hope this helps.

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try changing your air filter . I had the same problem on my 94 legacy . filter about 12 bucks

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it depends why car 1 stopped. if it was red light and car 1 stopped then it was car 2s fault. if car 1 stopped for no reason, and car 2 hit it, it would be both of their faults.Another View: The first contributor is correct in stating that the driver of Car #1 MIGHT have contributed to the accident however, the drivers of Car #2 and Car #3 would be charged with either Following Too Closely, or Failing to Give Full Time and Attention to their driving.

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Yes, car 2 would need to assume the costs of car 3. Car 3 would not have to assume the costs since car was not in motion.Added: It is questionable whether Car 2 could be held liable or not. In this particular case, the insurors of both Car 2 and Car 3 would probably go to subrogation to settle the damages.

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Car 3 would be at fault for all damages. From the description it sounds like car 2 had to make a stop and car 3 had either enough speed or weight to force car 2 into car 1. Car 3 should have allowed enough space in front of it to avoid any crashes. Now, if car 2 had hit car 1 and then a moment later car 3 hit car 2, car 2 would be at fault for car 1 and car 3 would be at fault for car 2. In an event like this, make sure a POLICE REPORT is made.

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Who is at fault when car 1 hits car 2 who hits a parked car 3?

Car 1 would be at fault as it was the initiator of the acident.

Who is at fault when there is a 3 car collision and car 1 speeding hits car 2 going in the same directions and car 2 hits car 3 heading in a different direction?

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What is the Distance between Exeter and Manchester?

Its about 270 miles. In the car it would take around 3 an a half hours Its about 270 miles. In the car it would take around 3 an a half hours

Can you get your down payment back on a used car with a 30 day warranty?

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