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It smells sweet -- of pancake syrup.

Or celery seed...

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Q: What does burning coolant smell like?
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Can smell antifreeze but no leaks visible no heat?

If your going through coolant then you have an internal head gasket leak you smell coolant because its getting into cylinder and burning

What does a burning dice smell like?

Probably a lot like burning plastic.

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It should smell a little like burning paper, the same with rayon. If it's polyester, it will melt. Wool will smell like burnt hair.

What Does Crack Smell Like?

sort of like burning plastic but a little diff you will have to smell it to know what im talking about but burning plastic is about what it smells like

Just had a gasket replaced in my engine and all of a sudden white smoke is coming from my engine and I am loosing engine coolant no burning smell though what could it be?

Sounds like head gasket is leaking allowing coolant into combustion chamber

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It smells like you

What does overheated coolant smell like?

My nuts from a squirrel

What could be causing white or gray smoke not steam to be coming from your exhaust and its got a funny burning smell to it?

Sounds like a bad head gasket allowing coolant to pass.

Why is your 1996 Silverado burning coolant?

by "burning coolant" do you mean that there is the smell of burning coolant? or do you mean that your coolant level is constantly needing to be topped off and you don't know where it is going? if you smell burning coolant you have a leak somewhere and its probably dripping onto the exhaust. you need to find the leak. if you are constantly leveling off and there is no coolant leaking under the vehicle it could be a blown head gasket. check your oil for coolant contamination. pull the dip stick and check the color of the oil: dark, almost black in color=good; lite creamy brown (like creamy coffee) =blown head gasket. or it could be a blown intake manifold gasket instead of head gasket. 1996 silverado has a two piece intake manifold, an upper and lower intake manifold.

What does crack smell like when burning?

Crack has a very sweet smell, like burnt marshmellows.

Getting a burning anti-freeze smell in your 1993 areostar?

heater core is bad may need a coolant flush