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Comprehensive auto insurance covers theft, fire, vandalism, weather damage, riots, and other similar acts which may cause damage to a vehicle. Comprehensive auto insurance does not usually cover acts of God, theft or vandalism by family members or employees, contents of the vehicle, or damage due to improper maintenance.

Comprehensive is Fire, Theft, and Vandalism (and also if you collide w/ an animal)

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Comprehensive is Fire, Theft, and Vandalism (and also if you collide w/ an animal)

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Q: What does auto comprehensive insurance cover?
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Not unless the transmission was damaged in an auto accident. Auto Insurance does not cover maintenance nor does it cover normal wear and tear.

What kind of damages does comprehensive auto insurance cover?

Comprehensive auto insurance will cover a driver for car accidents and injury caused by them. It will also cover damage from weather incidents, vandalism and fire, as well as theft.

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No, Flood insurance will not cover your Automobile. Your Comprehensive Auto Insurance will cover flood damage to your Car.

Will your auto insurance cover hitting a bird?

Yes, under comprehensive

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if your full coverage includes comprehensive coverage then yes, Auto theft is covered under the comprehensive portion of your auto insurance policy.

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Is acid rain cover under auto insurance?

Yes, if you have comprehensive coverage.

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Typically, homeowners insurance expressly excludes auto-related losses. Therefore, the auto comprehensive coverage should apply.

Does State Farm Auto Insurance cover flood damage?

Yes it does, through their comprehensive insurance coverage.

If a tree fell on your car at work who pays?

Your auto insurance will cover the damage to your vehicle if you have comprehensive coverage. The Comprehensive portion of your auto insurance covers damage resulting from an act of nature.

Does homeowner insurance cover damage from a tree falling on an automobile?

No. Comprehensive coverage on the auto does that.

Does comprehensive auto insurance cover water damage due to roof leak?

NO, Your Auto Insurance does not cover maintenance or manufacturing quality issues. This could be a defect you might look to your auto warranty for correction.