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an emergency cutoff switch

+++ Certainly. Plus guards where necessary (interlocked where appropriate), and they may need specific devices such as travel limits (that overhead crane in the photo will have them), pressure-relief valves (or safety-valves), gauges, indicators and warning devices... according to the machine. It must also come with suitable installing, operating & servicing instructions.

Further, if sold in the European Union, whether made in it or imported, it has to comply with a complex set of laws and specifications that act as both trade-barriers and safety standards. These are indicated by the "CE" mark where the machine meets the legal specifications as verified by an appropriate "Notified Body" (EU-speak for independent test-laboratories approved by it).

[As an aside I once had some fun on a totally different, American-published forum, by gently teasing contributors who waxed lyrical about a bizarre, large, power-driven, err, "adult toy". I pondered on the intriguing notion of finding a laboratory willing to test the machine for CE-approval, and what specifications it would have to meet beyond simply electrical safety!]

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