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No yes. the titled owner should be listed as an aditional insured.

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Q: Can a car be titled in your name but put on someones elses auto insurance?
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Can you be added to anybodyies auto insurance?

You may be added to someone else's policy as a driver if you operate their vehicle. You cannot put a vehicle titled in your name on someone elses policy. The vehicle must be insured in the name of the person who owns the policy.

Do you need to be on someones auto insurance to drive a vehicle?

Insurance will cover any licensed driver with permission to borrow the car.

What if auto insurance was canceled before your accident?

Then you may be liable for any damage that you caused to someones property or person.

If you have auto insurance get into an accident while driving someone elses vehicle will you be covered by your insurance?

You should immediately report the accident both to your own insurance company and to the vehicle owner's insurance company. Depending upon which state you are in, either one or both insurance companies is responsible.

Which insurance would be liable if our 16 year old son was involved in an accident driving someone elses auto with their permission ours or the owners?

The owners insurance will be responsible for coverage in an accident involving permissive use of their vehicle.

Can you get someones auto insurance information if you have their licence plate?

Yes, you can. If you are involved in an accident and have their license plate, either file a police report and the police will get the information for you, or,contact your insurance company. Keep in mind, insurance records are NOT public information.

Which companies provide car insurance in the state of OR?

Companies that offer car insurance in Oregon are State Farm auto insurance, 21st Century auto insurance, Nationwide auto insurance, Mercury auto insurance, Farmers auto insurance, and AAA auto insurance.

Does property insurance or auto insurance pay when a auto owner damages his garage with his auto?

Auto Insurance.

I am covered on my mothers auto insurance she has comprehensive if i drive someone elses car and get into an accident will i be covered?

you are covered ONLY if the owner of the car you are driving is insured for occasional drivers. Your mother's insurance has nothing to with another 's person's car that you have borrowed.

Can husband and wife remain on auto and life insurance policies after the divorce?

As for the life insurance the answer is yes. For the auto the answer is maybe. If the cars are jointly titled then most likely yes as long as both or you remain in the same state. You will have to consult with your agent to find out what the exact company policies are regarding people you can and can't have on your insurance policy.

How can you get someones auto insurance to see if they have umbrella policy to cover a dog bite?

If you have expenses due to being bitten by someone's dog, one way would be to go to your insurance company to make a claim. They will go after the people for you and find out if they have umbrella insurance.

Is a salvage titled auto the same as a junked auto?

no. salvaged titled autos may be used for parts or rebuilding. junked titled autos may only be used for parts.