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What looks like a question mark is actually a low fuel warning light . It is a poor resemblance to a fuel nozzle .

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Q: What does a blinking question mark mean?
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do you mean the mail box.......if you do that means that you have mail!

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The blinking folder icon with a question mark indicates that the Mac could not find a System Folder from which it could start up.

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I wish someone would answer this question...mine is blinking E-2!!

What is the name of the symbol for a question mark?

The symbol for a question mark is simply called a "question mark."

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the question mark?? it means its a question......

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I have not the slightest idea, but my suggestion is to go to the Apple Troubleshooting thing.

What does question mark mean?

Question mark is the pu nctuatio n mark used whe n aski ng questio ns.

What does the question mark symbol mean?

"?" This sign is called a "Question-Mark." It tells the reader that it's a question. For example: What's your favorite color?

What does the upside down questing mark mean?

The upside down question mark is not a punctuation mark used in the English language. Rather, it is used in Spanish in front of a question, with a regular question mark placed at the end.

Equal sign with question mark above it?

Did you mean this? ≟

What does the question mark inside brackets mean?

The text in the brackets must be a question.

What does it mean when the exclamation mark is blinking in the car?

It means an important function of the car needs immediate attention. You should contact your local dealer or mechanic to be sure.