What looks like a question mark is actually a low fuel warning light . It is a poor resemblance to a fuel nozzle .
do you mean the mail box.......if you do that means that you have mail!
The blinking folder icon with a question mark indicates that the Mac could not find a System Folder from which it could start up.
I wish someone would answer this question...mine is blinking E-2!!
The symbol for a question mark is simply called a "question mark."
the question mark?? it means its a question......
I have not the slightest idea, but my suggestion is to go to the Apple Troubleshooting thing.
Question mark is the pu nctuatio n mark used whe n aski ng questio ns.
"?" This sign is called a "Question-Mark." It tells the reader that it's a question. For example: What's your favorite color?
The upside down question mark is not a punctuation mark used in the English language. Rather, it is used in Spanish in front of a question, with a regular question mark placed at the end.
Did you mean this? ≟
The text in the brackets must be a question.
It means an important function of the car needs immediate attention. You should contact your local dealer or mechanic to be sure.