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It means an important function of the car needs immediate attention. You should contact your local dealer or mechanic to be sure.

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Q: What does it mean when the exclamation mark is blinking in the car?
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What does an exclamation mark inside a triangle mean?

An exclamation mark inside a triangle is a warning sign. This can be a warning sign on many devices including a car, a computer, or a cell phone.

What does blinking exclamation symbol on fuel mileage gage on 2001 Cougar mean?

Car sounds bogged down and hesitates to shift gears in lower two gears

What does a triangle with an exclamation mark in the middle mean on a Mercedes car?

Electronic Stability Program (ESP) warning lamp

What punctuation is used look out for that swerving car?

! ! Like this: "LOOK OUT FOR THAT SWERVING CAR"! An exclamation mark. (!)

What does a blinking D4 light mean?

It means the car needs servicing.

What part of speech is followed by an exclamation mark?

An exclamation point is often used with an interjection. Interjections usually express some kind of emotion and are capable of standing on their own. Hey! That's my car! (hey is the interjection.) Ouch! I stubbed my toe! (ouch is the interjection.)

What does it mean when a theft light is blinking?

I believe that when the PATS theft light is blinking RAPIDLY it is because you are trying to start the car with a non-PATS coded key. If it is blinking every couple of seconds SLOWLY, it just means the system is monitoring the ignition.

What is a sentence that has an exclamation point?

An example is: Watch out for that car!

Why is the security light blinking and the car won't start?

Not enough information regarding why the car won't start but as to he security light; it's always blinking when the engine is off.

What is the Yellow symbol with exclamation point in middle?

The yellow symbol with exclamation mark in the center is simply a warning light indicating that one or more of your wheels are spinning and have lost traction, the light goes on to tell you either: 1. You have lost traction and the car is working to coorect it (by reducing power to the dif or applying brakes) 2.The car has lost traction and you need to correct it

What are the kind of sentence to according function?

The 4 kinds of sentence according to usage:DECLARATIVE - statement (ends with period)example: The car is green.INTERROGATIVE - question (ends with question mark)example: Are you hungry?IMPERATIVE - command (may end with either a period or exclamation mark)example: Eat your vegetables.EXCLAMATORY - express strong feeling (normally ends with an exclamation point)example: Oops! What a mess! Sorry.

What does warning bell mean when turning car?

It usually is an 'exclamation point' ( ! ), but also sometimes a bell, which simply means that the computer in your car is preventing the wheels from screeching, or more importantly, preventing you from spinning out.