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Laws will vary from state to state. In some places you must call the police only when the damage is over a certain amount. You should check the situation in the place where you live. If anyone has been injured then you need to call for medical assistance immediately. Presumably you have full car insurance. If you have a camera take some shots of the accident. Get contact details of any witnesses, especially if it is not clear who is At Fault. Do all the following whether it was your fault or his fault. Exchange contact details as fully as possible. Write down his number plate registration and driving license details. Give him the name of your insurance company. While you are photographing the accident try and get a shot of him too. If the police will come, then call them. If it seems the other driver is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, then call the police. If the other driver admits fault (for example, if he says "Sorry, that was my fault. I shouldn't have crossed that line, or whatever), write down his exact words, if possible. You may have to use them later.

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Q: What do you do if you get into an accident with a person who does not have car insurance?
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Yes, if there is an accident.

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Simply, call the police!

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