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What is the specific reason that their insurance company denied the claim? (they must tell you this) You can use your collision coverage and then your company (regardless of his companys denial), will look to him for repayment for their costs as well as your deductible. If you do not have any collision coverage, file a small claims court case, get your judgment and garnish him. Aso file a state report, and contact/notify the police he more than likely is on probation as well.

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Q: What do you do if the person who hit your parked car had a suspended license and their insurance won't cover pay?
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Will your insurance pay your claim if a person with a suspended license wrecked it?

The claim will be null and void at the first instance,if the eventuality happens with a suspended license.

What is provisional licence insurance?

Provisional license insurance is insurance for people who have a provisional drivers license. A provisional license is for drivers under the age of 16 who are driving with a learners permit or a person who has previously had a license revoked or suspended and who has recently obtained a new license.

If the owner lets another person with a suspended license drive his car and that person hits another car are they responsible for the damage?

Probably so. And if the owner knew the driver had a suspended license, his insurance probably won't pay.

What Happens If You Drive with a Suspended License in Maryland?

Maryland has harsh laws when a person is caught driving with a suspended license. The penalties include, an additional license suspension period, significant fines, additional points on your license,increased insurance rates, and even jail time.

Will an insurance company insure a person who has a suspended license?

It's not likely due to the fact that the company would consider the person a high risk. In most states it would not be legal to insure a nonlicensed driver. In many cases person's who have a licensed suspended will have valid insurance coverage cancelled or at the very least resticted. This is not always true. If you go to there is an option for a suspended license as you can pay your ticket or take care of the suspension and remain with your insurance company. Your premiums will be higher, but you will be able to get insurance.

Can you be on someone insurance policy with a suspended license as a non driver?

Most insurance companies allow household members can be excluded if their drivers license is suspended. By signing an exclusion form this means that there is no coverage at all if the excluded person is driving one of the covered vehicles and a claim occurs.

Whose auto insurance will cover you if driving another person's car if Im driving on a suspended license?

No insurance company will cover you for driving whilst suspended. Any illegal activity will deem your policy null and void.

What happens when a person with a suspended license is involved in an accident in another person's car and is not at fault?

Actually, they are at fault, or so it's presumed - if their license is suspended, they shouldn't have been driving, hence, they should not have been there to have been involved in an accident. On top of that, they've voided their insurance policy by driving on a suspended license, so the expenses will likely end up coming out of pocket.

What happens when a person with a suspended license gets hit from behind?

and gets cited for driving with a suspended license.

Can auto insurance company drop an insured person who has a suspended license?

You will just have to contact your insurance company and ask them. Some companies will drop your policy while others will not.

What happens to a person at fault for a car accident with no insurance?

Most likely nothing. It depends if the other person had insurance. The worst that would happen with a clean record is you license suspended no more than a year.

Can an insurance company legally place a lien on someone's drivers license?

It is not possible to put a lien on a person's driver's license in any state. A driver's license can be suspended or revoked but only for traffic violations.