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Probably so. And if the owner knew the driver had a suspended license, his insurance probably won't pay.

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Q: If the owner lets another person with a suspended license drive his car and that person hits another car are they responsible for the damage?
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Related questions

If someone hits you and it is their fault will their insurance cover your damage if your license is suspended?

Yes. The fact that your license is suspended is NOT considered a contributing circumstance to an accident.

What if your license will be suspended for failing refusing or neglecting to report an accident in which there is more than worth of property damage an injury or death?

Simply stated, if your license is suspended, you will not be permitted to drive legally.

Will insurance cover the driver if they get into an accident and their driver's license is suspended?

Check the laws of your state and your policy. In my state, it is illegal to drive with a suspended license. Your policy will have exclusions and limitations that specify their position on damage incurred while engaged in illegal activity. In summary... NO.

What happens if I'm driving my friends car and i get into an accident but my license is suspended will her insurance cover the damage?

It all depends on her insurance cover

What to do to get a persons license suspended that had no insurance and did damage to your vehicle?

Your best bet is to sue the person for your damages and let the law take care of the other part.

What happens if you have no auto insurance and a suspended license your sitting at red light and a car slams into the back of you and there is damage to your car driver admits its his fault?

You should have insurance whether it is your fault or not.

What happens when the other driver admits fault but you have no insurnace?

Just because the other driver admitted fault does not automatically mean they will pay for your damage. Depending on where you are located you could be sued for damages and your license suspended.

Who is responsible for damage to another person's car on your property?

Obviously the person who caused the damage is responsible. If I thought my neighbor's homeowner's insurance would pay for my car if it is wrecked on his property, I'd drive it right into the side of his house!

Is a trucker responsible for damage resulting from a big rock or product that falls off the truck and injures or does damage to another vehicle or person?

The trucker or his insurance carrier is. Not only that, a trucker can and is responsible for the safety of the load he is carrying and can be criminally liable for injuries and damage caused by his negligence.

Who is responsible if your car is hit by another car and the other car hits a parked car?

The driver of the first striking car is responsible for all subsequent damage.

Who is responsible for damages to an automobile if a minor was asked to back a car up by the owner and accidentally hit another car at a friend's house causing 1500 dollars of damage?

The owner of the car that hit the other vehicle is responsible. If you allow a minor (even for a few minutes) to drive your car then you are responsible for any accidents that minor may have. The minor can also be charged for driving without a valid driver's license.

When a child in California has a driver's permit and drives with the parent and hits a tree and does damage to her mother's car does the child with the permit get a point on her record?

no. not likely. that's damage to personal property. unless you report it to your local law enforcement or your insurance company. but... the license driver is ultimately responsible for the child driving without a license.