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If your car is in a repair shop and they are working off of an "estimate sheet", have them submit a "supplemental claim" to the insurance company for additional (hidden or omitted) damage and a reinspection. This is a fairly common procedure. If you have already settled and taken the money you must have the adjuster look at the car again and determine in his opinion whether he missed it. Good adjusters will know that there is always the possibility of unseen or unknown damage prior to opening up the vehicle for repair and have pictures to document what he saw at the time of the estimate. Get another estimate from two repair facilities and compare the three. I don't know where your are located, but, as a rule Insurance companies know more about your rights than you do. Most companies have an appeals process in place to resolve such issues. Be Nice, it goes a long way to getting the information you need and a resolution satifactory to all involved. Ask questions and seek help from a higher person in the claims department. If you can't resolve this to your satisfaction on your own then seek legal counsel. This is my opinion only. It is not legal advice, nor should it be taken as such, it is a refletion of successful results from an actual claims scenario.

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Q: What do I do if insurance adjuster doesnt not recognize full damage?
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