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The govenor on the carbeurtor, When the motor is not getting enough fuel and is about to cut off, The govenor kicks in and squirts more fuel in to keep it alive.

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Q: What causes small gas engines to rev up and down?
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Is it OK to use premium gas in small engines?

Most small engines are designed to run on regular unleaded gasoline; the higher octane premium gasoline may eventually be harmful to the engine.

Are gasoline and Diesel engines heat engines?

Yes, gasoline and diesel engines are heat engines. The energy released by the burning fuel causes the gas in the cylinders to expand and push the pistons, which in turn do work.

Is gas engine more reliable than diesel in pickups?

No, diesel engines run with lower rpms and which also causes them to have lower tempuratures. diesel engines in semi trucks get up to 1,000,000 miles in them with just simple rebuilds. gas engines are a disiaster with over 150,000 miles.

What are the answers for the book Small Gas Engines by Alfred C Roth?

up your bung hole haha

What causes white smoke from a chainsaw?

Two cycle engines have an oil gas mixture and if there is too mush oil to gas you will see it burn as white or gray smoke That or your valves are bad.

Why are diesel engines so noisy when they are running?

Diesel engines are inherently noisy due to the method in which they burn fuel. Unlike spark ignition engines, compression ignition engines run much higher compression ratios, about 18:1 as opposed to gasoline engines which typically run a 10:1 ratio. This means that a diesel compresses a larger volume of gas into the same space as an gasoline engine of the same size, this compression heats up the air to such a high temperature that when the diesel fuel is injected into the cylinder it spontaneously explodes, releasing a lot more energy than the equivalent gasoline engine. the large amount of rapidly expanding gas is what causes the loud operating noise. Modern diesel engines can get around this by incorporating a small premixing chamber before the cylinder connected by a small passage. This slows down the explosion and makes the engine quieter and smoother.

What are the advantages of a gas engine?

gas engines go faster that the batter powered engines and last longer (dont have to charge gas)

Gas and diesel engines are what type of engines?

Internal combustion.

What causes a small gas engine to surge?

A load on motor cutting high grass to short.

Heat causes a gas to condense to a liquid?

When a gas is heated, it gains energy and its particles move faster. To condense a gas into a liquid, the gas needs to lose energy, typically by being cooled down. This causes the gas particles to slow down and come closer together, forming a liquid.

Are diesel engines better than gas engines?

Are diesel engines better than gas engines is sort of a yes and no question. Diesel engines generally get better fuel mileage and last longer overall. But, gas engines are easier to maintain on your own and gasoline is much more readily available than diesel fuel is on the whole.

Did M42 Dusters in Vietnam have diesel or gas engines?
