The most common reason is a dirty air filter in cars made before 1990. Running rich is caused by too little oxygen and too much fuel in the combustion chamber, resulting in incomplete combustion, carbon black soot, carbon-monoxide and increased fuel consumption, reduced power. The most common part that can cause a car to run rich or have a rough idle in any make or model is the O2 sensors. There are many other causes, a leak in the intake, leak in exhaust before the O2 sensors, cracked or disconnected vacuum hoses, fuel regulator, fuel pump, clogged fuel lines etc. Any sensor can throw the computer off. These common problems are very difficult to diagnose without a good scanner that will allow you to get feedback (in real time) while the car is running. Get yourself a Haynes Repair Manual and compare the suspected sensor input to regular specs. You could find a good scanner on-line probably cheaper than in Harbor Freight. If not, take the car to a local shop see if they have a good method of scanning for codes and reading the sensors in real time. I don't recommend Autozone they are only good if you have the check engine light on. For that just get a cheap code reader and you can check for yourself any time. This is what I recommend to any one, DO NOT DO ANY GUESSING for any reason its too expensive. You'll start replacing parts and you'll end up with a completely rebuild engine that still having a problem. Get a good scanner not a code reader, Haynes Manual and don't replace anything without diagnosing it, its a waste of time and money.
What causes a car to idle good and run rough when you give it gas?
Your car is running too rich.
A vacuum leak is one possibility.
Sparkplugs... Give it a tune up.
The most probable cause is combustion of a rich mixture of fuel.
No,car will not run rich.Infact it gives misfires since escaping fuel will be the ultimate result if we use wrong spark plugs.
A leaking fuel pressure regulator is the most common cause for a rich condition on the Olds Aurora 4.0L V8. -------------------------
it may be getting too much fuel and not enough air. this would cause it to run rich. it may be getting too much fuel and not enough air. this would cause it to run rich.
Several causes may prevent a car to run. The most common is related to the electrical system.
Not normally. Usually it willl cause a high idle and lean condition. Your car needs more fuel to run rich... i.e. MAF Sensor or O2 sensor causing out of whack Fuel trims.
A leak, either the pressure line or somewhere in the compressor.
You've hit and run over something with the car.