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If you have insurance call YOUR insurance and they will pay for your damages and then they will subrogate (meaning they will go after the other persons insurance for reimbursement) If the other person has been cited then they are clearly At Fault. Nobody can deny that, make sure you contact the police department for a copy of the police report as well.

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Q: What can you legally do when the person who hit you insurance company will not pay for the accident because their insured is denying fault but he was cited at the scene?
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What prohibits an insurance company from denying a claim?

Nothing prohibits an insurance company from denying a claim. An insurance policy is a legal contract binding on both parties. One party agrees to certain obligations such as telling the truth on the application for insurance and paying the premiums and the other party agrees to pay covered claims on a timely basis. As long as the insured meets their obligations under the policy the insurance company will meet their obligations.

You have had payments for claims recouped because the insurance company was secondary the primary insurance company is denying the claims recouped due to timely filing Is there anything you can do?

If your health insurance is thru your employer, have them contact their account rep. These issuse can be magicaly resolved when it is time to renew the company policy, if the rep is informed thast the company will seek another provider should it not be taken care of.

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Yes, if the new driver lives at the insured address or will operate one of their insured vehicles. Failure to report your child's license may result in the insurance company denying coverage and/or canceling your insurance in the event your child causes an accident, or is involved in an accident with an uninsured driver, even if your child is not at fault. Depending on the laws of your state and your individual policy restrictions, your child may also be liable for any accident caused while driving another person's vehicle (sometimes the insurance follows the driver; sometimes it follows the insurance). The best course of action is report your new driver and pay the increased premiums to avoid the possibility of paying costly damages out of pocket. For more information about teenagers and legal requirements in your state, you can use the Related Link, below, to access

How can you prove another driver is at fault in a parking lot accident if the police will not come to file a report and they lie about the accident?

This (unfortunately) happens daily. Your insurance company will investiage the loss, take statements, and inspect the damage to both vehicles, many times the vehicle damages will tell the story. Did the parking lot have cameras? I have found these very useful many times. If it comes down to a draw, your insurance company will/should give the benefit of the doubt to their insured, thus denying the other party's claim. If you want to provide me with details surround the facts of loss perhaps I can be of more assistance.

Is it legal when police sited the other party at fault in an auto accident for failure to yield right of way yet other party's insurance is denying my claim stating that I am at comparable fault?

They sound like they want to play hardball - if I were you I'd contact my insurance company and get them involved, because if the other insurance refuses to pay, they are going to have to bear the cost. Insurance companies call this action between them "SUBROGATION" and they should neogtiate the matter without your involvement. If you are un-insured or cannot get assistance from them, bring the other party to court and sue them for the costs. Your police report will eventually help you. I'd say that the weight of evidence is on your side.

Is Pronto Insurance Good?

No, Pronto Insurance is a cut rate insurance company that will look for any reason to deny a claim. Check with the Better Business Bureau, they have a C (I think that is too high). They are more interested in profit than in service. I had one of their insured hit me and run. I got the plate number, called the police, filed a report, and immediately filed a claim. I have been fighting them for 2 months now, and they are still denying my claim. I would not do business with them. Get a more reputable company that will take care of you or anyone else involved in an accident. My next step is going to be to sue the insured and the insurance so that my damages can repaired.

Does insurance cover car damages while driving out of state?

Yes. Your insurance adjusts to the higher or your liability limits or the minimum limits for the state that you drive into. Be aware that all U.S. insurance will cover you in Canada as well but not in Mexico. When you cross the border into Mexico your insurance does not. If you move to another state you are required to notify your insurance company and if you don't it could be a cause for denying your coverage.

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All. One's conviction record is not grounds for denying health coverage.

Why would your medical bills be denied in a fatal motorcycle accident?

I don't know without more information, there are numerous reasons that they would/could deny them. The insurance company must in writing explain why they have denied any claim, or portion of the claim. If you would like to give me more details regarding the facts of loss I could be of more assistance to you and perhaps 'see' the reason from that information.......sorry, and good luck.........let me know if I can help. To answer the question we first need to find out which insurance is denying the bills, as well as which insurance should be paying the bills. When you working with accidents the liable party could be the motorcyle insurance, the insurance for the party at fault or a medical insurance.

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He is still denying the murder.There was no denying his unfaithfulness now. The private detective was a good investment.

What happens in a four car collision when the middle two cars insurance company finds the most rear car liable but the rear car denies fault?

How on earth did he deny fault? Did the insurance company deny your claims? If so based on what grounds? They must tell you why they are denying the claim, in writing. There are several ways to go, and this might be what happend, in these accidents, there are many questions that must be answered paramount is number of impacts felt. Might be good idea for you to have your company repair your vehicle then they will hash it out with the farthest back drivers company. If you could give me more info/details I could perhaps help you more.