If the accident was caused by the uninsured driver than the uninsured driver is definitely still responsible.
P.S. The insured driver is found at-fault with witnesses. The uninsured driver is worried if his license will be suspended or facing any penalty for driving the his parent's INSURED car.
You will most likely have to pursue them through small claims court.
They will have to take the uninsured driver to court. Or if you have uninsured driver policy with your insurance, they will pay it.
Hopefully, you have uninsured driver protection. If there was physical injury to you or passengers in your car, a personal injury lawyer may be interested, but only if the uninsured driver has assets that justify the lawsuit. If the driver has nothing, there's no point in suing him.
If the uninsured driver had the permission of the insured driver to operate the vehicle then NOTHING will happen to the uninsured driver. In fact, in this case he or she is not an uninsured driver at all. The insurance follows the vehicle first, the driver second.
The Rental Car Company is responsible if they allowed an uninsured driver to rent and drive their vehicle. You will need to file a claim against both the driver and the rental car company.
Both the uninsured driver and the friend are in trouble. My GUSS IS the uninsured friend will be liable to any damages he has caused The uninsured friend will be responsible for the damages to their car If insurance is required in your state, the uninsured friend and/or driver could face criminal charges
Who owns the uninsured car? It will depend on your state, but if you were driving a car you own but did not insure you may have to pay for the repairs yourself - and in some states, if you have no insurance on the car you're driving, you may get to repair the other guy's car too even if it was his fault. If it was his fault, some states will require him or his insurance if he has it, to fix your car.
If you do not have an uninsured motorist property damage coverage, your collision might be used to pay for the repairs to your car, in which case your collision coverage deductible will be used.
Legally, NO
no and i think it is aligill