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Liability insurance: The coverage found on any auto policy that handles damage you cause to another person's property, either directly or indirectly with your car. Medical Payments Insurance: Can be either Medpay or PIP. PIP -- or "personal injury protection -- is required in many states, and essentially handles your medical bills in an auto accident, regardless of who is At Fault. (summary:will re-attach your fingers if chopped off in a accident) Uninsured Motorist: Can be for either property damage or bodily injury, and essentially makes your carrier step in when the at-fault party is either uninsured or doesn't have enough coverage to handle all your damages. Most people have UMBI (for bodily injury), and mistakenly believe it covers property damage to their cars as well. It doesn't. (summary:will pay for your loss of income as you are an architect whos fingers were cut off and had to miss work for two months while in physical therapy) Comprehensive: A voluntary coverage that, along with collision, constitutes "full coverage" on a vehicle. This is for "non-collision" type accidents, even when you collide with an animal. Essentially, it's to protect your car when you aren't at-fault for a loss. Includes coverage for hail, flooding, etc. Collision: Another voluntary coverage, which handles collisions or overturns involving your vehicle. This is triggered whether you're at-fault or not for a loss, in that it's specific to your vehicle colliding with another object or overturning.

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8y ago

(1) Liability insurance is a kind of third-party coverage. It pays money damages to a third-party who/that sustains damage (that can be measured monetarily) as a result of the insured's negligence (carelessness). The amount payable is limited by the policy limits, which in turn depend upon the amount of coverage that the insured purchased. (2) Medical payments coverage is also third-party coverage. It pays reasonable medical expenses incurred by a third-party, sometimes without regard to fault. Frequently, an insurer will be willing to pay medical expenses in return for avoiding a lawsuit. (3) Uninsured motorist coverage is first-party insurance maintained by the owner of a vehicle. It is intended to pay money damages to the owner, driver and/or passengers who are injured in a collision with a vehicle that does not have liability insurance (which would otherwise pay that/those damages. There is a variant of uninsured motorist coverage called "underinsured motorist coverage". It applies in situations where the at-fault party's liability insurance is insufficient to fully compensate the injured person(s) for his or her injuries. Therefore, the injured party may have a claim against the at-fault party (to the extent of his/her coverage) and their own insurer (for underinsured motorist benefits). Generally, payment takes into account the degree of fault of the insured for causing the collision (because it serves as the functional equivalent of the other party's liability coverage. (4) Comprehensive coverage is first-party insurance that covers categories of physical damage to the insured vehicle that are not caused by a collision. An example would be flooding of a vehicle during a hurricane, or a tree falling on it. (5) Collision coverage is first-party coverage that pays for the repair or pays the actual cash value of the insured vehicle if it is damaged in a collision. Payment is made without regard to fault. The net payment to or on behalf of the insured is reduced by the policy collision deductible. that the insured selected at the inception of the policy. Most states require an insurer to declare a vehicle to be a "total loss" if the cost of repair will exceed a stated percentage of its actual cash value. In that event, the insurer pays the actual cash value less the deductible. In some cases, the insured wishes to retain the salvage (the remains of the totaled vehicle). In those cases, the value of the salvage is also deducted from the payment to the insured.

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Liability insurance only covers someone else in the case that you are responsible for damages caused in a collision. Comprehensive coverage will cover a driver that you hit, as well as cover yourself for any damages inflicted during a collision.

What is usually covered by a comprehensive motor insurance?

Comprehensive motor insurance usually covers bodily harm or damage caused by an accident. The comprehensive insurance also cover the liability of the car damages in regards to collision coverage. When deciding on collision coverage, it is important to consider the age of the vehicle to determine if comprehensive or full coverage is needed on the vehicle or if collision insurance would be the appropriate choice.

What type of insurance is needed if you hit another car?

Basic liability insurance. This covers the person you hit. Comprehensive and collision covers your car.

What types of insurance does Elephant Insurance offer?

Elephant Insurance offers free instant quotes for automobile insurance. You can find out information on liability insurance and full coverage with comprehensive and collision.

What kind of auto insurance does Erie Insurance offer?

Erie Insurance auto insurance plans include coverage for bodily injury liability, medical payments, property damage liability, collision, comprehensive, and uninsured/underinsured motorists.

Will liability insurance cover deer damages for state farm?

Liabilty will not cover damage from a collision with a deer no matter what insurance company you have. Animal collisions are covered under "Comprehensive" or "Other Than Collision" coverage. Liability only covers damage you do when you are at fault.

Do you need liability insurance if you have comprehensive insurance?

Generally, you can't buy comprehensive without first buying liability coverage. Liability covers damage you do in an accident if it is your fault. Comprehensive will not even pay for your vehicle in an accident. It only covers fire, theft, vandalism, animal collision, etc.

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Options available with auto insurance are Liability, Medical coverage, Collision and comprehensive coverage, and Uninsured motorist coverage.SK(APEX)

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Seven types of insurance should get for a new car as like: Liability Insurance Collision Insurance Comprehensive Insurance Motorist Protection Personal-Injury Protection No-Fault Insurance Gap Insurance