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Q: What are some wheeled things that begin with any of the letters E N G L I S or H?
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Plane, planet, plate, platform, platter, pliers and plum are things. They begin with the letters PL.

What are some things you build that begin with the letters D E or G?

dams, earrings and grave

What are some things that start with the letter Nn?

There are no words in the English language that begin with the letters nn.

What are some wheeled things that begin with the letter N?

· Nash· New Yorker (Chrysler)· Ninety-eight (Oldsmobile)· Nissan· Nova (Chevrolet)Nash and Nissan are cars.Nissan automobile

What are some cars that begin with the letters P or J?

Here are some cars that begin with the letters P or J:PeugeotJaguarPorschePontiacPlymouthJeepPintoPanameraPackardPaganiPanozPantherPanteraPininfarina

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Some adjectives that begin with am are:amazingambiguousambitiousamorousamusedamusing

What are some words that begin and words that end with the letters folio?

Some words that begin with the letters folio: foliolate. foliose. And, some words that end with the letters folio: portfolio.

What adjectives begin with the letters in?

Some adjectives that begin with 'in' are:inclusiveindecentindecisiveindigentindivisibleindolentindustriousingenuousingrowninjuredinnocuousinoperativeinsensitiveinsidiousintolerantinvariableinvertedinvincibleinvisibleinvited