One common Audi lease special is the Preferred Equipment Credit.
The navigation credit is given for ordering a navigation system.
The appearance credit is for ordering design wheels. Two other
specials are the Lightening credit and Technology package.
One can lease a car in the UK at a car dealership. Some common
manufacturers with dealerships in the UK would include: Audi,
Volkswagen, Mitsubishi, Chrysler, Ford, Nissan, and Fiat.
What are some common problems associated with Audi cars?
There areour most common problems Audi users have. The first is
braking problems as the rotors tend to warp. The second is timing
belts wear out frequently as Audi cars do that. The third is
electrical glitches such as braking light staying on and the power
window motors burning out. The fourth is air bags not
Commercial leases may be a gross lease, where a single sum is
paid to the landlord for all leasing costs or a net lease where you
will be responsible for seperate payments to cover extras such as
common area maintainence