When you unlock or open your door they illuminate the ground by your vehicle to warn of a puddle you might inadvertently step in.
A puddle lamp is a light on the bottom of a car door that illuminates the ground when the door is openned. It lets you see what you are about to step in when you exit the car, be it a puddle or whatever.
The puddle is in the front car of the subway train. You have to lead him there, car by car, by getting him to run past you.
When a car drives through a puddle of water, the change that takes place in the puddle is a physical change. Of course, chemical changes will take place in the engine of the car, but that's probably not what you are asking.
Pull puddle light out of mirror and pull two wires of it. Tape wires up so they don't touch.
if it is a big puddle the water when splashed might be hiting a sensor if it is a big puddle the water when splashed might be hiting a sensor
Slang meaning a small car.
Car lights get power from the batterie in the car, or in some cars oil gives car lights power.
On the back of a car there are tail lights, turn signals, and brake lights. Cars also have back up lights that tell people when the car is in reverse.
yes, condensation drip in normal
Flip open car lights/eyelid lights aren't as reliable as the lights today, and sometimes they get jammed. In other words they aren't as efficient as the car lights today.
to dim the lights in your car.
You can only have red lights on the rear of your car. And blue lights are illegal to use on any car on the street they are only for emergency vehicles blue lights are for police only