If you are going through your own insurance, you are responsible for your collision deductible. If the other person is at fault, you can go through their insurance under their liability coverage so you do not have to pay a deductible.
The 2010 cap is $106,800.00, which would result in 6621.60 (6.2%) being withheld. There is no cap on the Medicare insurance contribution amount, so the 1.45% amount will continue to be withheld on all earnings, and will be matched by your employer at 1.45% for a total 3.90% for the year.
You do not have to pay the deductible if the other person's insurance is paying the claim. If you put the claim through your insurance, and do not have uninsured, underinsured motorist protection then you will have to pay the deductible regardless of who's at fault.
THE POLICY HOLDER, WHO IS USUALLY THE OWNER OF THE TRUCK IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DEDUCTIBLE. If the truck driver is fully responsble for the accident, his insurance should pay for the damages to the car and there would be no deductible. If the car owner went through his coverage first to get repairs done, then the car owner is responsible for the deductible. Then the car owners insurance would go through subrugation to the truck drivers insurance to get full payment of the loss. When that is completed, the car owner would get his deductible returned to him.
"AHM health insurance doesn't normally release the cost of their customer's deductible since they offer different kinds. Some customers reported getting up to one hundred dollar deductible, others a little higher or less."
Not necessarily. It depends on the "Plan Year". For example, if your plan has a calendar year of January 1 through December 31, and by September 15 you have met your deductible, the new insurance carrier would have to issue a Deductible Credit Transfer because you have already met the deductible for the plan year. However, if the new plan has a plan year that runs from September 1, through August 31, then by September 15, your plan has already started to run and the deductible after September 1 only is the amount you can apply. YES
No, it is paid through social security. Medicare has a deductible and the social security administration takes part of the monthly payment to pay for the deductible. In my case I have my entire social security taken and still don't meet the deductible so I have to pay several hundred more to them to make up the difference.
Only if there were another vehicle involved. If for instance you back into a tree you wouldn't want to make a claim, unless the damage exceeded the deductible. Perhaps not even then.
they are through the scooter stores however check with them about any deductible you may be responsible for, most scooter stores will waive the deductible if you are low income.
No, a personal loan used for business expenses is generally not tax deductible. Business expenses should be funded through business loans or other business financing methods to be eligible for tax deductions.