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Yes, comprehensive coverage should pay for incidents such as this.

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Q: Snow fell down off your roof and damaged the hood of your car Will your full coverage auto insurance cover the cost of new hood?
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Related questions

Will homeowner's insurance cover landscaping damaged by heavy snow?

You need to ask your insurance representative what your policy covers.

During the snow storm your tree fell on your shed and damaged it will your insurance pay for the damage?

yes, under your additional structures coverage, which is typically up to 10% of whatever your home is insured for. if less than a $1,500 claim, don't do it. it'll hurt you. i am an insurance agent.

When does home owners insurance cover siding replacement?

Homeowners will pay to replace your siding when your siding is damaged by a sudden event. Sudden events include: fire, theft, vandalism, hail, wind, rain, snow, explosion, civil riot, and more. Siding is attached to the home so it is covered under Dwelling coverage. If your siding is damaged because of wear and tear over time, your insurance policy will not pay to repair or replace your siding. The loss must be sudden, unexpected and unintentional.

Does home owners insurance cover a caved in garage roof from snow?


Can you get insurance on a vehicle that is only for farm use such as plowing snow and hauling wood?

There are a number of insurance companies that provide coverage for farm operations and related equipment. This type of coverage is usually called 'farmowners insurance'. In most instances, a farm insurance policy provides protection for a home and personal property with coverage options similar to those offered in traditional homeowners insurance policies. Umbrella options vary, so make sure you inquire with your agent about specific coverage.

Does CSI insurance cover items left in a cab?

No, I'm afraid not. You see, an insurance policy covers items damaged by a covered loss. The covered losses are things like fire, windstorm, lightning, theft, water damage, weight of ice and snow, etc. Nowhere in your policy will find that an items is covered because you forgot to pick it up when in a cab. This is your fault and not a covered cause, so no the insurance policy will not cover it.

Your new condo roof is leaking due to snow and ice Is it covered?

Typically, a standard homeowner's insurance policy may cover damage from roof leaks caused by snow and ice. However, coverage may vary depending on the specific policy and the cause of the damage. It's important to review your policy and contact your insurance provider to determine if you are covered for this situation.

Does homeowners insurance cover roof damage from snow?

It depends on what caused the collapse. If the deck collapsed due to a covered peril, such as fire, wind hail, etc, then yes it is covered. If the deck is just old and in need of repair or replacement then the answer is no, as this would be considered normal expected maintenance for a home owner.

What does broad coverage homeowners insurance cover?

According to, it covers these things in addition to basic homeowners' insurance: "falling objects, weight of snow, sleet and ice, damage to water heating systems, volcanic eruption, damage from plumbing or appliances, freezing of plumbing or appliances and damage from artificially generated currents".

Is a snow plow or dump truck covered by automobile insurance policy?

Either vehicle is covered by auto insurance but you would need to get insurance policies that cover commercial vehicles.

What is Broad form coverage?

A term used to describe comprehensive extended insurance coverage that often covers losses resulting from breakage of glass, falling objects, weight of snow, ice or sleet and water damage.

What are the types of marine insurance policies?

Cargos damaged by turbulent sea water, snow storm etc. are covered under marine insurance. Apart from this, natural calamities like flood, earthquake (which are called Acts of God) etc. are covered under 'All Risks' clause. But remember, strikes, riots, mutinies are not always covered,and you are to pay additional premia for coverage of the said acts.