Non-electric appliances.
Inside the gas tank. Gm switched all cars to electric pumps located in the gas tank in the 1980s.
Find all the answers here:Are electric cars safe?
Electric cars are electric, hybrids are gas, and electric.
there would be no more of those cars
There is a lot of money to be saved through the use of all electric cars. These cars can get their fuel from a whole lot of different venues, making them much nicer on your wallet. After all, you could conceivably build your own solar array or wind turbine to power all electric cars, so the power that is put into your hands by purchasing one of these cars is immense.
well there damaging the earth by all the gas, we need to start making electric cars even though there r some electric cars already!!
Because the owners of oil companies are extremely rich, and wish to become richer. Electric cars would put them out of business, so they simply pay the people who wish to produce electric cars a large amount of cash, and in return they don't make them. Otherwise we would probably all have electric cars already.
There are no internal combustion engine parts in a electric car. The Electric car will not use gas but electricity from batteries.
It really depends on the car. look up witch car your talking about to get more information on it. In my opinion FAST!!!! Some of the are made to go slow but I've seen electric car beet lambos and mustags and other cars. the thing to remember about them is they are all about traction on the wheels. Also electric cars do not have to rev up to get to max horse like gas powered cars. All the horsepower in electric cars are avilible the moment it is turned on. Electric for work gas for fun!!!
All cars prior to 1995 used Freon R-12. Since then, most have switched to R-134a. The two can not be mixed. That should be marked on or near the fill port.