2013 chevy volt
Chevy volt
The Chevy volt car is an electric car but not fully because the battery only goes for 25-50 miles per charge. After that, a gasoline engine starts and produces energy for the electric battery to run the car. Gas is only used after the battery is run down and can be charged again.
The Car Coach - 2011 Chevy Volt was released on: USA: 28 July 2011
Silver mustang, her dream car is the Chevy volt,
2009 Chevy Volt
It is a 12 volt battery. Fully charged it will read 12.6 volts with a digital volt meter.
The Chevy Volt is the Hybrid, but it still has a tiny gasoline engine also.
Chevy Volt
A fully charged 12 volt battery will output 12.6 volts are read with a digital volt meter.
The Chevy Volt uses gas to power an electric motor.