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Your insurance is responsible. Insurance is tied to the car, not the driver. That's why insurance on a Lamborgini is so much more expensive than the insurance on a Ford Focus.

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Q: My son who has a car and his own car insurance used my car for the weekend and he was in an accident with no other cars involved but slid off road on ice whose insurance is responsible for damages?
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Who covers damages if the vehicles is uninsurred but the driver has his own insurance?

When a car is uninsured and it involved in an accident, the owner of the car is responsible for its damages and that of the other involved cars. This rule applies even if the driver has his own insurance cover on a different car.

If you are driving without insurance and are involved in an accident that is not your fault who is responsible for damages to your car What legal consequences are involved for the uninsured driver?

First of all you are really lucky that this accident was not your fault. The person who was at fault is responsible for your vehicle damages. If he is insured, then it is his insurance company that is responsible. ** Depending on your states laws, you can loose your drivers license for up to a year for not having insurance and being involved in an accident. If you received a citation at the scene of the accident for no insurance, you need to pay for that also.

Your son who has a car and his own car insurance used your car for the weekend he was in a accident the fault so far lies with the other driver whose insurance is responsible for the damages to your c?

The driver at fault is always responsible for damages incurred during an accident. The at fault insurance company is responsible for damages to your car.

You have no car insurance and are involved in an accident that is not your fault does their insurance still pay for damages to your vehicle?


Who benefits from no-fault insurance?

Anybody involved in an accident. Damages are covered regardless of fault.

What does auto collision insurance mean?

Auto insurance consists of both liability insurance and physical damage coverage. Collision coverage is part of the physical damage section of an insurance policy and is designed to either repair or replace your vehicle if you are involved in an accident up to the fair market value of the vehicle. Collision will pay for both damages caused in an at-fault accident and damages caused in a not at-fault accident if the other party did not have insurance. If the other party did have insurance and they were responsible for the damages, the other party's liability insurance would pay for your vehicle damages through Property Damage coverage. You are responsible to pay for your collision deductible for at-fault accidents before a claims payout will be made.

If a friend borrows your car and gets in an accident does your auto insurance cover damages?

Depends. If said friend has insurance then in most cases their insurance will cover the damages due to vicarious liability. If the friend does not have insurance, you are then responsible for any damages caused.

If I was in a 3 car accident and An uninsured motorist hit the car in front of me does the second vehicle who has insurance and then hit my car become responsible for my damages?

The owner of the car that caused your damages will be responsible to pay damages to you unless you live in a no-fault state. In that case, your insurance pays for your damages.

What if someone is driving your car and they get into an accident and get hurt and they do not have car insurance is the owners insurance responsible for medical for the injured driver and damages?

You guessed it!

In Michigan if you are in an accident not at fault and have liability insurance only is the driver at fault responsible for damages to your car?


When a car is repossessed are you still responsible if is involved in an accident?

Once the agent takes possession of the vehicle, they are responsible for any damages which occur.

Who is responsible for a car accident the car owner or the person the insurance policy is under and the car owners friend is driving owner insured owners friend?

The people responsible for an automobile accident are those who are operating the involved vehicles at the time of the accident - unless the cause is mechanical failure or some other event outside the control or any of the operators. The person responsible for paying for the resulting damages may be the vehicle owners or the person who bought the vehicle insurance (usually, but not always, the same person). When operator negligence is involved, the operator may be responsible for paying the damages, even though the operator is not the insured person.