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Unless your policy specifically covers ANY driver to drive your car, then all drivers that do drive your car should be specified (by name) on your policy.

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Q: My son does not live in my home but drives my car occasionally do you need to list him on my policy?
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Will auto insurance cover if child drives car on occasionally does not live with you?

No. You policy states that you must list all household members and drivers of any of your vehicles no matter how often. Especially in the situation of a child who is related to your by blood or marriage. Be very careful with issues like this. You are not paying the company for the premium due them for this driver so you have no right to expect them to pay the claim when the person have an accident. The can and will deny the claim. I have seen it done and it states your requirements in the policy.

What is location influences on auto coverage?

You must list the garaging address on the policy (not a P o Box). The vehicle is rated based on the zip code where it is garaged. Say parents live in rural Georgia but their child drives a car to college and stays in the dorm. The vehicle that the child drives to college will be rated based on the Atlanta address while the other family vehicle will be somewhat less expensive as they will be rated at the home of the insured. You can have multiple garaging address on an auto policy.

Do you have to add your child to your auto insurance policy if they do not live at your address?

In the state of Texas you do not have to list your child on your policy. If living in your home you can enlist a separate policy for that child. If living in another home it is never a requirement to have them on your policy although there are some policies which certain insurance companies write which require the child on your policy while living in your residence.

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Do you have to add a licensed family member to auto insurance policy?

You usually have the obligation to list all household residents and regular drivers on your insurance policy. If we are talking about your Grandparents who live in another state and never drive your can then no. If it is your sister who lives with you and borrows your car occasionally then yes she must be listed as a driver.

Can you enroll in homeowner's insurance without spouse consent?

Yes, Either owner of a property can purchase a home insurance policy. It is recommended however, that you list all persons with a financial interest in the property as an insured on the policy.

Does home insurance cover broken dishes?

No, Not unless they were damaged by a covered peril such as lightning, wind hail etc. See your Home Insurance policy for a list of covered perils and associated deductibles.

How is the policy monitored?

check list preparation as per policy and regular supervision.

What is the difference between a Named perils insurance policy and an All risk insurance policy?

Standard Homeowners Policy Verses All Risk PoliciesMost Homeowners Insurance Policies are "Named Risk". They list all the covered perils for which the Insurance company will offer coverage. So If It is not on the list, It basically is not covered.An All Risk Policy is just the opposite. It lists all the perils that are "not" covered, On these policies if it is not on the list, then it "is" covered.AnswerA named perils policy only covers perils listed in the policy. For example, a named perils policy will usually cover an accidental fire loss at your home because fire is listed as a covered peril. However, lets say you have a water loss at your home when a water line breaks. If water loss is not listed as a covered peril under your policy, then you will have to pay for the damage yourself, which can be expensive. For a named peril policy you need to look at the the policy to see what perils are covered.On the other hand, an all risk policy will cover any peril unless its specifically excluded under your policy. An all risk policy provides you more coverage than a named peril policy. For an all risk policy you will look to the Exclusions section of the policy to determine what is not covered. In the water loss example above, unless water losses are specifically excluded under the policy, the loss is covered.An all risk policy will cost you more in premiums, but is worth the price.

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